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3D Secure - Test cases

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Test cases

The paymentStatus provided in below test cases is the dependent on the configuration of your account and provides an indication of the status after the consumer has fully completed all the steps during a redirection.
Below test cards can be used with any valid expiry date and cvv on our preproduction environment.

3-D Secure version 2

All the below test cases can be executed using the below Create Payment Example, by simply changing the cardNumber and the paymentProductId based on the tables below.

Create Payment request 3-D Secure version 2
  "cardPaymentMethodSpecificInput": {
    "card": {
      "cvv": "200",
      "cardNumber": "4012000033330026",
      "expiryDate": "1228",
      "cardholderName": "Wile E. Coyote"
    "isRecurring": false,
    "paymentProductId": 1,
    "transactionChannel": "ECOMMERCE",
    "threeDSecure": {
      "challengeIndicator": "no-preference",
      "challengeCanvasSize": "600x400",
      "authenticationFlow": "browser",
      "redirectionData": {
        "returnUrl": "https://hostname.myownwebsite.url"
  "order": {
    "amountOfMoney": {
      "currencyCode": "EUR",
      "amount": 100
    "customer": {
      "accountType": "none",
      "billingAddress": {
        "countryCode": "NL"
      "device": {
        "acceptHeader": "texthtml,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8",
        "browserData": {
          "colorDepth": 24,
          "javaEnabled": false,
          "screenHeight": "1200",
          "screenWidth": "1920"
        "ipAddress": "",
        "locale": "en-US",
        "userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_4) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/12.1 Safari/605.1.15",
        "timezoneOffsetUtcMinutes": "420"
      "locale": "en_US",
      "merchantCustomerId": "1234"
    "references": {
      "merchantOrderId": 123456,
      "merchantReference": "vlSjO1XpvQgF3EYNvpA6rUDymoY6yD"
The behavior of the test cases is defined based on the cardnumber used in the test case. The value of the challengeIndicator is not taken into account by our simulator.

Frictionless without MethodURL


Visa (1) Mastercard (3) American Express (2) paymentStatus Description
4012000033330026 5200000091444270 371449635398431 PENDING_APPROVAL Transaction Fully Authenticated and Authorized
4012004040524514 5200008932030109 344822942822422 PENDING_APPROVAL Authentication Attempted and Authorized
4012001775445550 5200008192910263 348058683731797 REJECTED Authentication Failed (not possible to proceed to Authorization)
4012003360932265 5200008849448782 371402182236181 REJECTED Authentication Rejected by the issuer (not possible to proceed to Authorization)
4012000305337014 5200001683397918 343477454564812 PENDING_APPROVAL Authentication Unavailable - Authorization performed based on the settings of your account
4012002046769026 5200007546856545 347726193801364 PENDING_APPROVAL Fall Back to 3D v1 - Transaction Fully Authenticated and Authorized

Frictionless with MethodURL


Visa (1) Mastercard (3) American Express (2) paymentStatus Description
4567350000427977 5200007937518480 378902817729834 PENDING_APPROVAL Transaction Fully Authenticated and Authorizated
4012005727315985 5200007782116869 347764182815475 PENDING_APPROVAL Authentication Attempted and Authorizated
4012001653098885 5200003094063303 341162979280670 REJECTED Authentication Failed (not possible to proceed to Authorization)
4012001386109959 5200003833404966 340594177068468 REJECTED Authentication Rejected by the issuer (not possible to proceed to Authorization)
4012005306641421 5200001680077224 378662840253679 PENDING_APPROVAL Authentication Unavailable - Authorzation perfomed based on the settings of your account

Challenge without MethodURL


For the testing of the 3-D Secure flows we make use of a simulator. This simulator presents a page with some technical data and does not reflect what a consumer will see during the actual authentication flow. The page has a Continue Transaction button at the top of the page to continue the flow. By clicking this button the user is then redirected to the next step in the checkout process. Please see below a sample of this page with the Continue Transaction button highlighted.

3-D Secure version 1 ACS Simulator screenshot

Visa (1) Mastercard (3) American Express (2) paymentStatus Description
4012007153923001 5200003143732874 378069803818698 PENDING_APPROVAL Transaction Fully Authenticated and Authorizated
4012007161850527 5200006177946005 346455459929781 REJECTED Authentication Failed (not possible to proceed to Authorization)
4012005616165343 5200006952643892 372737175320289 PENDING_APPROVAL Authentication Unavailable - Authorzation perfomed based on the settings of your account

Challenge with MethodURL


Visa (1) Mastercard (3) American Express (2) paymentStatus Description
4012009668289936 5200008448083808 343565236909840 PENDING_APPROVAL Transaction Fully Authenticated and Authorizated
4012009341147907 5200000501098096 371035863540263 REJECTED Authentication Failed (not possible to proceed to Authorization)
4012009320386567 5200008197176324 343338595300898 PENDING_APPROVAL Authentication Unavailable - Authorization performed based on the settings of your account

Additional information

  1. Introduction
  2. Highlevel implementation
  3. Consumer user experience
  4. MyCheckout hosted payment pages implementation
  5. Create Payment API implementation
  6. Test cases
  7. Special use cases
  8. Webhooks