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Payment group: e-Wallet
Payment product ID: 843

Skrill is an eWallet, which gives a consumer the ability to upload money to a virtual online wallet and being able to pay and receive funds online. If a consumer chooses to pay with Skrill, she/he will be redirected to a page of Skrill where she/he can log in and confirm the payment of this order. Upon completion of the order, the consumer will be redirected to the confirmation page, which can be either on your side or on the hosted checkout page of GlobalCollect. Skrill was formerly known as Moneybookers.


  • Allows iframe
  • Cancel refund
  • Partial refunds
  • Redirect
  • Recurring
  • Refunds
  • Tokenization

Key benefits

  • Real-time authorization for instant fulfillment
  • Automatic top-up
  • FSA regulated
  • Strong presence in the United Kingdom, Germany and France
  • Reach consumers who are unwilling to share financial details
  • Fast and easy to use for consumers
  • Increases conversion
  • No chargebacks


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