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Below are the positive test case input definitions with the expected results in the last column.

Country code Currency code Payment product ID Amount IBAN Payment status ID
DE EUR 816 100 DE94940593100511008070 800

Payment steps for successful test

Step 1 After initializing the payment, you'll be redirected to the new page.

In a few seconds the page will be reloaded automatically and you will see test bank option.


Step 2 Click "Weiter zum Bezahlen" and you'll be redirected to simulator page.

Step 3 Click "Ausführen". The test payment is successful now, in a few seconds you'll be redirected back to the merchant page. Transaction ends up on status 800.



For testing negative payment flow, please use amount 500.10 euro, the rest of input definitions is the same:

Country code Currency code Payment product ID Amount IBAN
DE EUR 816 50010 DE52940594210000082271

Payment steps for unsuccessful test

Step 1 - After initializing the payment, you'll be redirected to the new page.

In a few seconds the page will be reloaded automatically and you'll see the test bank option.


Step 2 - Click "Weiter zum Bezahlen" and you'll complete the test scenario. In a few seconds you'll be redirected back to the merchant page. Click "Zurück zum Shop" if no automated redirection happened. 

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