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Boleto Bancário

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Payment group: Cash
Payment product ID: 1503

Boleto Bancário is a Brazilian payment method that allows consumers to pay with cash or using their online banking system. Boleto Bancário is one of the most accepted payment products in Brazil, processing around 20 percent of the e-payments in Brazil. By integrating Boleto Bancário you get access to a large pool of potential consumers in Brazil by tapping into non-credit card holders, or those who prefer paying with cash.


  • Allows iframe
  • Cancel refund
  • Partial refunds
  • Redirect
  • Recurring
  • Refunds
  • Tokenization


In order to start processing, you will need to sign the “Brazil addendum”.
The “Brazil addendum” is an agreement drawn up by our legal department in which you give us permission to repatriate funds collected on their behalf out of Brazil.
We will be happy to help you get started.

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