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Additional information

Forbidden industries

  • Any adult related industry
  • Drugs or pharmaceuticals (and all drugs related)
  • Illegal activities, products/services and the peripheral support (service providing) of illegal activities
  • Terrorists, individuals and organizations supporting terrorist activities as listed by any government ( or any other applicable governmental site)
  • Travel (without license of National Travel Industry Bonding Organization)
  • Weapons, weapons related activities
  • Animal trading of any kind
  • Aggregators
  • Merchants which may damage the brand or reputation of either us, its supplying banks or card associations – with specific reference to MasterCard “Brand damaging transactions” guidelines.
  • Any business that the Risk Department or Board of directors decide to be unethical. In such situations each case is examined individually.


There are no additional restrictions for merchants.

Entity requirements

No German entity is required.


Giropay is offered in a Full Service model. This means that we take care of the collection and reporting of the funds. Status changes that affect the financial position (like refunds and payments) will be reported in our standard reports, as described in the reporting section. 

Refunds on this payment product  are made via Bank Transfer (Payment Product ID 1070) and can be processed in two ways:

  • Submitting a refund action on the order via API
  • Pushing the refund button on the Payment Console

Please be aware that the total value of the refunds submitted on the order may not exceed the total amount paid on the payment. The maximum timeline for processing a refund is 180 days.

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