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The test data is related to the Sandbox environment and only describes the various test cases. The difference between using the hosted payment page or not using the hosted payment page is not described.

1. Positive test case (input definitions and the expected results)

Country code Currency code Issuer ID PP ID Amount PStatus ID
NL EUR INGBNL2A 809 100 800
NL EUR INGBNL2A 809 200 800

2. Negative payment flow

Country code Currency code Issuer ID PP ID Amount Event ID PStatus ID
NL EUR INGBNL2A 809 2000 400870 50
NL EUR INGBNL2A 809 1200 400880 50

Payment steps

  1. After initializing the payment a redirect needs to happen.
  2. The page automatically takes you to the returnurl.
  3. The payment ends up with a Completed state and the status ID 800.

Refunds in Sandbox

Keep in mind that transactions having a Completed state and the status ID 800 are not refundable. You need to wait for 1 hour for them to change their state, then proceed with refunds since it should be a separately scheduled process.  

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