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Payment group: Real-time banking
Payment product ID: 806

Trustly is a global leader in open banking payments, enabling your consumers to pay with a bank transfer and get a real-time confirmation by the end of the checkout process. With over a decade of experience and innovation in digital account-to-account payments, Trustly is connected to over 6,000 banks, is used by over 8,000 merchants, and has a consumer reach of 524 million.

The solution allows consumers to pay directly from their bank account in a secure and user-friendly way. The pre-defined payment instructions with real-time feedback enable you to release the orders right after completion. Refunds are processed through the same network to guarantee that your consumers get their money as quickly as possible.


  • Allows iframe
  • Cancel refund
  • Partial refunds
  • Redirect
  • Recurring
  • Refunds
  • Tokenization

Key benefits

  • 0% chargebacks: once payment is made, there is no chargeback option to hurt your margins
  • Frictionless user experience: users confirm the payment with fingerprint or FaceID, so no 16-digit card information or extra strong customer authentication needed
  • Reduced fraud risks: backed up by bank-level security and confirmed recipient with embedded strong customer authentication
  • Optimized for high order value: high conversion for large baskets, fewer declines, and a 99% acceptance rate


Trustly is available as a part of our full-service offering and has a simplified boarding process:

  1. Our merchant implementation team completes the online boarding form & submits it to Trustly.
  2. Trustly completes KYC.
  3. Trustly sets up a new processing account for your business.
  4. Trustly shares a new processing account with us.
  5. We configure pre-production and production credentials for you.
  6. You run the end-to-end testing with the support of our merchant implementation team.
  7. Go live!

For other questions, you can always contact the boarding team to help you out.

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