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You have two options when it comes to processing iDEAL payments. You can either use our hosted checkout pages or directly initiate payments on our platform and use your own checkout page. Both options are available to you, so you can choose the one that best suits your needs.

MyCheckout hosted payment pages

If you're looking for the quickest way to accept iDEAL payments, our MyCheckout hosted payment pages is the optimal solution. By using this service, you'll be able to smoothly process payments and provide your customers with a convenient, hassle-free payment experience.

  1. Make the following API call: POST /v1/{merchantId}/hostedcheckouts
  2. The order object contains the amountOfMoney object and a customer object
  3. The customer object has a lot of options, but only the billingAddress object with a countryCode property is required for a basic checkout
  4. The variant property will allow you to ensure the right styling of the checkout page is shown to your consumer.

The below example allows the consumer to select a payment product on our hosted payment page and be redirected to the next page, where they will select the bank with which they want to pay.

Create a hostedCheckout for iDEAL
    "order": {
        "amountOfMoney": {
            "amount": 100,
            "currencyCode": "EUR"
        "customer": {
                "billingAddress": {
                "countryCode": "NL"
     "hostedCheckoutSpecificInput": {
            "variant": "100",
"locale": "en_GB",
"returnUrl": "" } }

There's also an option for letting your consumers select the bank directly on our MyCheckout hosted payment pages. In this case, you'll send in the paymentProductID in your API request, which is paymentProductID 809 for iDEAL.

Here's an example of initiating a createHostedCheckout request

Create a hostedCheckout for iDEAL
    "order": {
        "amountOfMoney": {
            "amount": 100,
            "currencyCode": "EUR"
        "customer": {
            "billingAddress": {
                "countryCode": "NL"
     "redirectPaymentMethodSpecificInput": {
        "paymentProductId": "809"
    "hostedCheckoutSpecificInput": {
        "variant": "100",
"locale": "en_GB",
"returnUrl": "" } } }

Your own checkout page

When you create a checkout page yourself, the consumers are supposed to select iDEAL on your website and then get redirected to the bank they selected. This action can be performed via the following request example: 

Create a checkout for iDEAL
"redirectPaymentMethodSpecificInput": {
        "paymentProductId": 809,
        "paymentProduct809SpecificInput": {
            "issuerId": "RABONL2U"
        "redirectionData": {
            "returnUrl": ""
    "order": {
        "amountOfMoney": {
            "amount": 100,
            "currencyCode": "EUR"
        "customer": {
            "billingAddress": {
                "countryCode": "NL"
        "references": {
            "merchantReference": "Your Reference"

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